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volume of sphere and hemisphere in Python | program

 volume of sphere and hemisphere.

  • Volume of hemisphere = 2Ï€r3/3, where 'r' is the radius of the hemisphere.
  • Volume of sphere = 4Ï€r3/3, where 'r' is the radius of the sphere.

Program to find volume of sphere and hemisphere

Input :

enter radius of sphere 4
enter radius of hemisphere 4

Output :

volume of sphere is %.2f 268.08
volume of hemisphere is  134.04

# Program to find volume of sphere and hemisphere
# for pi use pi value as 3.1423 or import math module
from math import*
#Program to find volume of sphere
radius1 = float(input("enter radius of sphere "))
vol_sphere = (4*pi*radius1*radius1*radius1)/3
print("volume of sphere is %.2f",round(vol_sphere,2))
#Program to find volume of hemisphere
radius2 = float(input("enter radius of hemisphere "))
vol_hemisphere = (2*pi*radius2*radius2*radius2)/3
print("volume of hemisphere is ",round(vol_hemisphere,2))
#here round(var,n) is predefined function used to get n digits after point

Output :

enter radius of sphere 4
volume of sphere is %.2f 268.08
enter radius of hemisphere 4
volume of hemisphere is  134.04


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